Students can change nearly any aspect of their personal information on record with UNCG at any point during their time as a student. Most changes can be made in UNCGenie. See below for details about the process for various types of personal information updates.

Address, telephone, and email change  

UNCG uses contact information listed on UNCGenie as the main way to reach out to students. That’s why it’s important to keep this information up-to-date. Each semester many students fail to receive vital information because they do not update their contact information or notify the University Registrar’s Office of changes. 

All of this information can be edited directly in UNCGenie. We cannot update contact information via telephone.

How to update info in UNCGenie

  • Click on Update Address(es) and Phone(s).
  • Select a field to update.
  • Make adjustments as needed.  
  • Mark today’s date in “Valid From This Date” field.
  • Click Submit button at the bottom of the screen to activate changes. 
  • Repeat for other addresses/phone numbers as needed.

TIP: Addresses require standard USPS formatting:

  • Upper case letters where appropriate.
  • Use spaces (not commas) to separate each component of the address.
  • Do not use punctuation after abbreviations.
  • Do not use the number sign: “#”

(Example: 101 S Sharon Ave NE Apt 129)

  • Select Update E-mail Addresses.
  • Click on the e-mail address that needs to be updated.
  • Make the necessary changes to your e-mail address.
  • Check the box to define the current e-mail address as your Preferred Address.
  • Click Submit to complete the update, or select a different e-mail address to update.

TIP: UNCG will often use the student’s “official” email address ([email protected]) for important messages including billing reminders and warnings. Students should check their UNCG email often via iSpartan.

  • Select Update Emergency Contacts.
  • Click on the contact that needs to be updated.
  • Make the necessary changes to the contact information.
  • Click Submit Changes to complete the update.

Name change

There are different processes for students to update their name on the student record versus payroll. Students can update the name on their academic record through the Registrar’s Office. (Details are provided below.) Current and former students employed by UNCG must also request a name change through the Payroll Office.

Current and former students are able to update their name and may request a name change via the Name Change Request Form.

Name changes requested by mail must include a signed letter and contain the following:

  • Name as it currently appears in the UNCG student information system;
  • New, complete legal name; Appropriate legal documentation must be attached to the letter.

Different types of name changes require different types of legal documentation:

  • Change of name due to Marriage requires a copy of marriage certificate or current Social Security card and a photo ID
  • Change of name due to Legal Change requires a copy of court order or current Social Security card and a photo ID
  • Change of name due to Divorce requires copy of divorce decree or current Social Security card and a photo ID
  • Change of name due to Adoption requires copy of court order or current Social Security card and a photo ID
  • Change of name due to Spelling Error requires a photo ID
  • Change of name due to Hyphenated Name requires a photo ID

Payroll name updates may be conducted in person, by mail, or by fax. Students must present their updated, signed Social Security card to change their name for payroll purposes. Visit the Payroll website or call (336) 334-5741 for more information.

Gender change

Current students may have their gender status changed by providing an original, signed letter from a physician attesting that the process of gender transition is complete or by an official court order affirming a gender change. Students must also provide a photograph of themselves holding their photo ID. These documents may be sent to [email protected]. Keep in mind that a letter from a physician results in a change to University records only.

For assistance with transgender needs related to housing, please contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life.

Students who need to make a name change should follow information in the Name Change section above.

Gender information is used for statistical purposes such as reporting to federal and state government. Students are generally identified as M (male) or F(female). Transitioning students can also choose to remove the existing gender code and change it to N (not reported). Gender information does not appear on University documentation (class rosters, academic transcripts, student ID cards, etc.). 

The Title IX Policy at UNCG prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including sex assigned at birth, or gender, including gender identity and gender expression, in any of its education programs and activities. Sex Discrimination is adverse treatment on the basis of an individual’s sex, including, but not limited to sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex stereotypes. This adverse treatment may manifest as intentional deadnaming, mispronouncing, and exclusion. To find out more or report a violation, please visit the UNCG Title IX Office website.

Preferred name 

Students may designate a preferred first name when applying for admission or after enrolling; this may not be the student’s legal name. The preferred first name will appear in Canvas on the instructor’s roster, while the legal name will appear in all other formats and services (e.g., official grade roll, transcript). Submit a Preferred First Name Request form to designate a preferred name.

Computing account user name change

Students can not change their computing account user name, however, they may request changes to the way their name appears in places like email and the Campus Directory. Information Technology Services can assist with this process.


Registrar’s Office
  • Office hours:
    Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Phone: 336.334.5946
  • Fax: 336.334.3649
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
  • Campus Address: 
    180 Mossman Building*
  • *Drop-Ins Welcome
International Student Services
  • Office hours:
    Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • Phone: 336.334.5404
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Virtual appointments available. To schedule an appointment or document pick up click here.