Please use the following form to request cancellation, withdrawal or reinstatement for students due to attendance or non-attendance.


If you have stopped attending a course for which you are registered, please drop or withdraw in UNCGenie.

If you have never attended a course for which you are registered, please contact the instructor of that course. If you never attended, they will be able to notify us through the above form.

Requests for Cancellation of Course(s) for Non-Attendance must be submitted within one year of the term in which the courses were taken.
No cancellations will be made once a student has been awarded a degree for a course on record previous to that degree’s award.

Never Attended is defined as:

If the instructor of the course for which you never attended is not available or is otherwise unable to request cancellation, you may appeal for cancellation.

To make an appeal, please complete the following form:

Student Appeal for Cancellation Due to Never Attending Course

  • Requests for Cancellation of Course for Non-Attendance must be submitted within one year of the term in which the course was taken.

    Please submit one form per course.

    No cancellations will be made once a student has been awarded a degree for a course on record previous to that degree’s award.

  • Student Information

  • Instructor Information

  • Course Information

  • Course Never Attended:

  • Explanation

  • Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.